Mastering Canada’s Labour Shortage Trends: The Top 3 Essential Strategies for Employer Success in Recruiting

As we stand on the brink of a new era in recruitment, it’s essential to understand the labour
shortage trends in Canada. It’s like navigating through a dense forest; the more we understand
the terrain, the better our chances of finding our way.

According to Statistics Canada, the country is experiencing a significant labour shortage, with
over half a million vacancies in the third quarter of 2022 alone. Picture a city the size of
Hamilton entirely composed of open jobs. That’s the magnitude we’re talking about.

Now, let’s dig deeper. What’s driving this trend? Several factors are at play, like an aging
population and a shift in skills demand. But don’t just take our word for it.

Jobilla’s recent report adds further insights, highlighting the increasing need for digital skills in
the job market. It’s not just about numbers, it’s about skills too.

Why Conventional Methods Are Not Working

So, with this many vacancies, why are conventional recruitment methods coming up short?
Imagine trying to catch a school of fast, nimble fish with a wide, bulky net. You might snag a
few, but many will slip through the gaps.

Traditional methods typically involve posting job vacancies and waiting for applications. But in
this digital age, where job seekers can browse hundreds of opportunities with a swipe of their
finger, these methods are as outdated as dial-up internet.

Case studies from Jobilla highlight this stark reality. Companies sticking to these archaic
practices are facing higher vacancy rates and longer time-to-hire periods.

It’s like showing up to a modern-day marathon in leather boots; you’re not going to get far.

The Top 3 Essential Strategies for Employer Success in Recruiting

Now, let’s talk solutions. These strategies are your running shoes, your map, and your compass
in this new recruitment landscape.

Strategy 1: Proactive Recruitment

Imagine this: you’re a seasoned sailor navigating the open seas. You could weigh anchor and
hope the currents bring you to your desired destination, or you could study the winds, map the
stars, and steer your ship accordingly.

The latter is proactive recruitment – a strategy that doesn’t just wait for the right talent to drift
along but rather sets a course to meet them where they’re bound to be.

Let’s look at some real-world success stories.

LinkedIn, the social network for professionals, has championed the cause of proactive
recruitment. They created a dedicated talent solutions platform, enabling recruiters to search
for potential candidates, reach out to them directly, and even anticipate hiring needs.

The result? They’ve seen their talent pool diversify and grow, with a 60% faster hiring rate.

Another trailblazer in this arena is Zappos. They replaced their traditional job postings with a
social media platform where interested candidates could engage with the company, learn
about its culture, and express their interest in future opportunities.

This proactive approach allowed Zappos to build a talent pipeline that’s aligned with its unique
company culture, reducing its time-to-hire from weeks to days.

The Jobilla report further underscores the value of this approach, stating that a whopping
70% of the workforce comprises passive candidates, those not actively seeking a job but open to opportunities.

By engaging these passive candidates, companies can significantly expand their talent pool and
secure high-quality hires before their competitors even know they’re available.

Proactive recruitment is like a chess game, thinking several moves ahead. It’s about identifying
potential talent and making your move before others do.

It’s a strategy that is as aggressive as it is effective, and it’s reshaping the landscape of recruitment.

Strategy 2: Employer Branding

Picture this: two coffee shops side by side. One is just a shop with good coffee, while the other
is Starbucks. Same product, but the branding – the mermaid logo, the green straws, the promise
of a standardized, quality experience – that’s what draws the crowd.

That’s the power of branding, and it’s equally potent when it comes to recruitment.

Several companies have already harnessed this power with remarkable results. Consider Tesla,
for example. Despite the grueling work hours often associated with the company, it continues
to attract and retain top talent.

Why? Because their employer brand is synonymous with innovation, sustainability, and being
part of a mission to change the world.

Another exemplary case is Netflix. They have carved a niche for themselves with their unique
culture deck. It’s a public document that outlines their management philosophy, commitment
to high performance, and the freedom and responsibility their employees can expect. It’s a
beacon, attracting professionals who align with their values and vision.

And the numbers speak for themselves.

According to Statistics Canada, companies with strong employer branding have 50% more
qualified applicants. They fill positions 1-2 weeks faster than their competitors.

Their turnover rate? A whopping 28% lower.

Employer branding isn’t just about showcasing your company; it’s about attracting talent that
resonates with your values. It’s about building a workforce that’s not just skilled, but also
passionately aligned with your company’s mission.

It’s a lighthouse amidst the stormy sea of the labour market, guiding the right talent to your door.

Strategy 3: Skill-based Hiring

Have you ever noticed a masterful chef at work? They may not have gone to the most
prestigious culinary school, yet their understanding of flavours, their finesse with a knife, and
their ability to innovate delectable dishes are unmatched.

This is the essence of skill-based hiring: it’s about acknowledging the power and potential of skills, not just paper qualifications.

Now, let’s bring it home. Several forward-thinking companies have already started shifting their
focus from traditional to skill-based hiring, and they’re reaping the rewards.

Take Shopify, for example. They prioritized skill over degree, and it paid off. They found talent
in unexpected places, fostering innovation, and driving success. Or consider the tech titan,
Google, which places less emphasis on formal education and more on coding ability and
problem-solving skills.

They’re not just hiring employees; they’re curating a powerhouse of talent.

But what skills should we focus on?

Well, according to Jobilla’s latest report, digital proficiency tops the list. In this digital era, skills
like data analysis, digital project management, and digital marketing are invaluable.

But don’t forget about soft skills. Emotional intelligence, adaptability, and leadership remain in
high demand, and they’re predicted to be even more critical in the future.

Transitioning to skill-based hiring isn’t just a smart move; it’s a game-changer. It’s a way to tap
into a broader talent pool, to uncover potential where others might not think to look. It’s not
just about filling a position; it’s about enriching your team with diverse, dynamic skills.

And according to Jobilla’s research, this approach can reduce turnover rates by 30%. Now, that’s a strategy worth embracing.

Proactive recruitment, employer branding, and skill-based hiring – are the compass points
leading us to a promising future, one where the labour shortage becomes an opportunity rather
then a challenge.

Don’t let the challenges of today’s labour market sideline your recruitment efforts.
Think of AI as your steadfast compass, leading the way towards top-tier talent, faster hire
times, and, ultimately, a more dynamic and innovative workforce.

Want to leverage AI’s full potential to revolutionize your recruitment process? Let’s chat!